Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Desktop Wallpapers

A JavaScript slide show of a continuously updated collection of free, high quality and high resolution desktop wallpapers from many different categories like Nature, Animals, Urban Exploring, Dark & Gothic, Weather and Architecture. At the moment there are over 220 wallpapers in the gallery, new wallpapers are added every week. The image size of standard wallpapers varies from 800x600 up to 3600x2400 pixels. There are also wide-screen and dual-monitor wallpapers up to 3200x1200 pixels available.

The Sideshow is highly configurable: You can display newest wallpapers first or display wallpapers in random order. You can change the transition time between wallpaper changes as well as the number of wallpapers loaded. If wallpapers are displayed in random order the re-sorting starts every one or two hours.

There is also a smaller version (100px in width) and a Flash version of this Wallpaper Slideshow available. The Flash Version has fewer options but is resizeable! Please visit my developer profile @widgetbox for more details.

If you like this widget and put it on your homepage or Blog please consider also setting a link to my Wallpaper Gallery:


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