Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Blog Log

Tracks outgoing links to let you know where your traffic is going. The free limited version data is not in much detail, yet provides a good idea. You can also add a Top 5 Our Links module to your web site. Now they have a MyBlogLog community to get some extra site traffic too

My Blog Log

blogge tools Comments, reviews, ratings, scores, polls, Navigator

Fast, powerful and incredibly simple, JS-Kit's services let web publishers build dynamic, compelling online experiences in just minutes.


15+ Adsense Alternative For Bloggers (Blogspot ) Wordpress

This is great news for webmasters and bloggers and the market is now full of quality alternatives.Here is my complete guide to all of the main alternatives to adsense.If you are loking for Banner Rotating ads Then visit adbrite , this advertising company provide you with different rotating ads every seconds


* RevenuePilot affiliates receive 60% of what advertisers pay RevenuePilot per each click.
* Provides you with various linking methods that allow you to link to our premiere pay per click network; therefore you get paid for each successful click-through that is generated by your site’s visitors.
* Get the highest bids from our select advertisers and top search engines to help you achieve your maximum revenue potential.
* Results are sorted by highest bid, ensuring that you receive the highest revenue per click regardless of your category or traffic.

* Kanoodle allows you to fully select the specific “ad feeds” that it will integrate into your selected Web pages
* In sharp contrast with the Google AdSense program, Kanoodle allows its ad publishers to fully select the “niche categories” of ad feeds that will be matched to their Web pages

* You can customize the look and feel of these ads and add Context Stream campaigns to the same website that already contains other sponsored site listings, affiliate links or banners.

* You earn revenues every time a visitor clicks on Nixxie’s contextual listings
* Nixxie’s technology automatically delivers the most appropriate sponsored links, price comparison and auctions listings which are matched to the content of each of your website pages.
* Through their partnerships with Overture, Miva, ThomsonLocal, Kanoodle, Kelkoo and, Nixxie offers one of largest advertiser databases on the Internet featuring big high street brands to local niche products and services
* Nixxie geo-targets listings to deliver the most appropriate listings to your users based on their location.

* MIVA lets you also select the keywords that trigger your Ads, as well as blocking competitor Ads from appearing on your site
* MIVA lets you also improve your yield by selecting the Ads that perform best
* MIVA discloses your revenue share percentage and net earnings
* Choose dimensions, colors and formatting of the Ads to reflect the look and feel of your site
* Designate alternate Ads or MIVA run-of-network Ads to monetize obscure pages

* Use of an auction model (cost per visit, cost per click and pay per click) where you may bid for placement ranking
* Clicksor will pay webmasters up to 85% of the advertising revenues to place contextual ads on their websites or blogs
* Inline links by user-defined keywords
* CPM and CPC revenue models
* Payments are dispersed on a bi-weekly basis
* Minimum payout of $50, which can be claimed either through a check or PayPal

* Inline keyword advertising with both images, text and video
* Minimum payout of $50.

* Uses both CPM and CPC revenue models
* Works alongside other ad-suppliers, including AdSense
* Easily embeddable code is simply placed within any blogpost or web page.

* Inline advertising that integrates with your actual content
* CPM and CPC revenue streams.

* Ability to run alongside other advertising suppliers, including AdSense
* A $100 minimum payout
* Negotiable CPM rates if your site draws significant traffic
* Advertising supplied by keyword, using the words in the body of your blog text
Yahoo Publisher Network
# Advanced ad targeting, allowing you to choose two primary categories for your website from a list of over 100.
# The ability to filter out competitor’s ads, so that they don’t appear on your page - you can block up to 50.
# Ads are CPC in nature, so that you are paid each time your site visitors click on an ad.
# Choice of color size and layout of ads for easy integration into your website
# Tracking on up to 50 channels to see which ads are your best performers.
If you are in search of Text Ads Dervices Visit Bidvertisers :)

Email Contact Widget For Blogger (Blogspot)

Insert Contact Us Widget inside yours blogspot webpage or any other webpage is really important as a professonel blogger.Lack Of this widget affects blogger readers and there income . This problem is common most among blogspot users as ther is no perfect contact us widget .But Kontactr is a one-click free contact form service. With Kontactr, you can fight against the amount of spam that you receive daily. Protect your email address by using this highly secure contact form.

All you need to do is sign up for a free account and your users will be able to email you right from your website. :) [ Test Blogspot Contact Form ]

Many blogspot and wordpress User dont give importance to Contact us widgets inside there website and this is really a big mistake . Readers and advertisers Can only contact you with the help of this widget .

Labels (Tags) Not appearing In Bloggers

Labels are important part of bloggers and helps in Indexing blogs in search engine ,if you are facing problem in displaying yours blogs on blogspot post then you can troubleshot yours template once for displaying labels in yours blogs . Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Template | Page Elements tab, or just click the Layout link on your Dashboard.
  2. Click the Edit link on the “Blog Posts” widget.
  3. In the configuration window, you’ll see an option to display the labels with each post. You can change the text used for this if you like, but the most important part is to have this option checked.
  4. Save your changes, and view your blog to see your labels.

If you are still facing problem in displaying labels with blogger then In that case, we recommend either switching to a default Blogger layout, or consulting with the designer of your template to solve the problem. However, you may also have luck with reverting your widget template to their defaults:

  1. Go to the Template | Edit HTML tab.
  2. Click the Revert widget templates to default link.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation message.
  4. Go back to the Template | Page Elements tab and check the settings again, as above.

Remove Post (Atom) Link From Blogger

There are many bloggers who are using Dotcom with blogger account and they want to give there blogs a pure professonel look ,so that no one can catch that he/she is operating under , for this they are implementing many hacks to change there template look ,and the below mention hack is also one among them in which you can remove post(atom) Link from Hompage Footer without disabling yours feed, there are two Methods to perform this hack

Removing Post (Atom ) Links

  • Signin Blogger From Dashboard Go Layout - Edit html - And add below code in your blogspot template and Save the Changes ,

.feed-links {display: none; }
  • You can also remove post (atom ) Links from Blogger Setting by converting Post Feed from Full to None

How to Control and Set Blogger Feed To Increase Traffic

A site feed is a machine-readable representation of your blog that can be picked up and displayed on other web sites and information aggregation tools. Feed plays an important role in Search engine indexing as well as in increasing website traffic.

Webmaster can easily control his feed in blogger by enabling and disabling site feed,To enable or disable the site feed(s) for your blog, first go to the Settings | Site Feed tab.

Set and Control Blogger Feed
Controlling Blogger Feed

You can Select Full option for enabling Feed in all Site However if you want to disable comment feed then you can do this bt click on the “Advanced Mode” link
Set Blogger Feed

Once you’ve enabled your site feeds, you may want to provide a way for your readers to find them. If the template you’re using isn’t displaying links to these files, Feed links are available in Default Template Post (atom ) at the end of each Blog, You can remove this Feed link from blogger also if you are using Feed link Seperately in yours Site

Add Multiple Authors To Blogger(blogspot) Blog

Team blogs are quite useful when small groups of people wish to contribute to a single blog. Basically, one person initially creates the blog, then adds other people to it as members.

You can add upto 100 authors to yours blogs but all this is controlled by one person ,You can add authors by inviting them using there email ids, to invite them just go to Blogger Setting Go to Permissions Tab type the email addresses of the people you’re inviting to the blog, separating each address with a comma and Click Invite and you are done,

Multiple authors in blogger

Invited Blogger can join yours blog member by clicking on Link inside there mail .

Widget game Dofus Client

A Little client for Dofus

widget Game Drifting

Take part in the world drifting championship and drift different cars along the track and score the maximum points in drifting.

Widget game DBZ BreakOut

BreakOut/Arkanoid style game with a DragonBall Z theme.

widget Game Duck Hunt

Released in 1984 by Nintendo, Duck Hunt was one of the first games on the NES platform to use the 'light gun'. The basic idea of this game is pretty simple - you're a duck hunter armed with a pistol and your trusty dog. You have three shots to shoot one or two ducks each round. After ten rounds of duck hunting (you'll probably be rather bored of shooting duck at this point), you go to the shooting range and shoot at clay pigeons for another ten rounds - although the dog is absent. The game is rather fun and satisfying initially but gets old quickly. The sound effects are pretty much what you'd expect for a game from the early 1980s - that is, awful by todays standards - gameplay and graphics are simple - but it remains a classic and is fun to play every once in a while.

Special Instructions : Be patient for this game to load. To fire your pistol click your mouse button.

widget Game Donkey Kong

This classic game first appeared at the arcades in 1981, and was the first to introduce such characters as Mario, Donkey Kong and Peach. Donkey Kong was the product of a Nintendo artist named Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto did the entire game himself (even the music), the only help he got was with the name. He and a manager decided they'd call it "Donkey Kong" because "kong" would imply a gorilla was involved, and "donkey" was used because their Japanese-to-English dictionary said it meant "stubborn, wily, and goofy." The story : Donkey Kong has stolen Mario's girlfriend and taken her to the top of a steel structure. You move Mario over girders and up ladders, leap over tumbling barrels, dodge lethal fireballs and jump onto fast-moving elevators, trying to rescue Mario's girlfriend from Donkey Kong

Special Instructions : Space Bar to jump; Use your left/right arrow keys to move from left to right, etc. To climb ladders use your Up arrow.

widget Game Puzzle Bobble

he idea is to join more than two balls together of the same color. When joined, the balls drop to the bottom of the screen. You also you clear the screen this way.

Game Instructions
Use your Arrow Keys to direct your shot while using the Spacebar to shoot.

The Leila template was brought to blogger by fresh blogger templates and was originally created by Kapikua, he uses this template for his blog and it can be seen in the screen shot below.

Leila Blogger Template
This template has a well designed structure, apart from being a three column template. One of the most evident features of this template is the the comment, label and social bookmarking area which comes in a nice black rounded section.

The navigational menu is situated on top of the header image on the left hand side, while a search bar is donned on the top right hand side of the sidebar. The colour scheme of this template is quite beautiful and in the wordpress version the sidebar has two columns as well as a single column section, I am not too sure if the blogger version has the same


The Ayumi Blogger Template

The Ayumi three column template was originally created for wordpress by Wptr and ported to blogger by Gosublogger.

The Ayumi Blogger Template
The template is predominantly green and white template once again has all the features required for a complete web 2.0 blogger template. The blog title is located at the right of the header. The left has the blogs navigational tabs.

The strange part of this blog is the post time stamp, the labels as well as the comments icon is place on the right above the post headline. This feels a little odd, you can see the blue strip on the right above the headline of the blog post that is in green.

The sidebar has a single column on the top and then breaks up into two columns lower. It also hosts the search bar that takes up both columns, the sidebar has a gradient of green and every element header gets a bit of pink.

I think this template would be good for nature lovers or environmentally friendly blogs. If you like it go ahead and download this lovely templat


The Butterfly Blogspot Template

Our friend Kranti has churned out another beautiful three column template, Butterfly. Originally created by Templates 4 all and he ported it to blogger, lets take a closer look at it.

The Butterfly Blogspot Template
As you would have noticed the big Butterfly in the header, there would not be much to say about it apart from the fact that it really lightens up the template. The design spans the sidebar columns which are both on the left handside.

The Blog title is situated above the main column with one line for the blog description. Under that your first post headline with time stamp on the left, below it is the comments link and the the labels, all these in a gray rounded section that acts as the post seperator.

The sidebars start with a nice RSS icon and there seems to be a huge gap after that, then comes the search bar. Under that are the sidebar elements, that you need to add, they compe complete with rounded blue headers. Overall I like the border designs of this blog that are different


Template Ice Blogger Theme

emplate Ice is an original creation for blogspot by Templates Novo Blogger, the creator drew inspiration from DF's Blue Marine template.

The Ice Template
This three column template has a very crisp design, it starts of with the navigation links on the extreme right hand side of the template. After that the blog title is on the extreme left of the template.

The main column starts off with a neat post date and the headline, towars the end of the post it starts to change a shade of colour and has a rounded bottom. The bottom part also holds the Author, Labels and Comment link.

The sidebar starts off as a single column that is big enough for an island advertisment and then breaks up into two columns. Its a simple template with a crisp design and a solid choice of colors


The Colors of Life Blog Theme

After the shortage of food and recipe templates for blogspot blogs, there seems to be a spree of new templates coming up, this Cake Recipe Blogspot theme was ported to blogger by Theme Lib and was originaly created by quality wordpress.

The Cake Recipe Blogger Theme
This is perhaps one of the most modern recipe templates for blogspot, it comes with a recent articles and recent comments widget built into it so yes definetly cool, do not forget the lovely design.

The template kicks off with a page navigation menu on the top left, in the middle right you have the blog title and description on a beautiful background with a massive yummy cake on the left as the header image.

The recent articles and comments are placed in the bottom middle to the right of the header. The two sidebars are located on the left and the right of the main column, each widget has a header that matches the design.

The post date appears with a little icon besides the headline, the author and labels apear under the headline with the comments at the end of the post. The template is quite simple apart from the header, leaving people to focus on the content.


The Colors of Life Blog Theme

The Colors of Life is a colourful theme designed by blogger tricks for blogspot, its a simple three column template that has a floral background.

The Colors of Life Blog Theme
Well this template is rather simple the thing that makes it different is the About Us section that has been incorporated in the header. Of course lets not forget the floral background that makes this template vibrant.

What I like most about this template is the way it ends with the flowers at the bottom and the colors merge with the background colours. Apart from that it has two columns on the right hand side of the main column.

The hedlines of the post do not have a date, the date comments and labels are placed at the bottom of the post. The sidebar columns have a colourful seperator and apart from that theres really nothing much to it.


Elegant Style Social Blogger Skin

The Elegant style blogger templates was created for blogspot by O-Om, its a three column modern blogger skin that would find itself on social blogger blogs.

Elegant Style Social Blogger Skin
The first thing you will notice about this template is that its built for a blogger who uses either or, as the header has a prominent space for the recent visitors widget on the right hand side.

The header has a navigation menu with a search bar in it, under that is the blog title and description, the recent viewers widget comes on the right. The headline, author, post date, labels are all together at the top left while the comment count on the right.

The sidebar is divided into single double and double columns again, which gives it a nice variation, although you would be even happier with the multi column footer.

Elegant Style Blog Footer

Brownline Blogger Template

Originally a wordpress theme by Good Design Web, the elegant Brown Line template was converted to Blogger by Falcon Hive. This 3-column template has a very attractive look and few interesting features. Brownline blogger template The template has an aurora-like effect in the header to go with the blog title and description. One of the special features of the template is the RSS button, which is well-placed on the far right of the header.

The navigation bar can be customised as per your needs and like many templates it has an hover-on colour. The comment button is quite creative, it appears next to the post headline in a small box.

Unlike other templates where the posts appear one below the other, Brownline has a border around each post, which highlights each post.
The rest of the main column is simple with time stamp and categories below the headline.

The sidebar has a ready search box and below it comes 3 slots to place your image ads, if you like. There is also a tabber widget already added in the template, to edit that you can go to Layout-Page Elements and you will find the tabs numbered - 1, 2, and 3. Click on '1' to set up content of that tab or add a gadget. The column breaks into two where you can add other gadgets.

Free blogger templates, Brownline template tabbe
Overall, I liked this template design, there is enough place to add lot of Blogger features to display your content!

Typebased Blogspot Template

The Typebased blogger theme was created by Woo Themes and ported to blogger by the most active and currently the best porter to blogger Btemplates.

Typebased Blogspot Template
Its nice and refreshing to see a layout that is different from conventional templates. The major difference is the space provided on the left for the author name and the comment count besides the post. Theres one nice section for the RSS in the footer of the template that you will come across below.

Lets start off with the simple header text and description, under that is the tab like page navigation menu. The extreme left has a section for the date, author and comments. The column besides it has the headline on the top and labels at the bottom of it, the rest of it is simple.

The sidebar starts off with a search bar, a section to display four 125 x 125 advertisments is below this. The sidebar then breaks up into two columns and then starts a footer that is divided into multiple sections as well. You can place your links in one part while one is dedicated to the RSS feeds of your blog.

Typebased Blogspot Template Footer

White Space Template

The white space template was created by Brian Gardner who has now made all his templates Open source, way to go Brian! It was ported to blogger by Themelib.

White Space Template
The white space template as its name suggest is a white template that has a newspaper style, a few more like these are the oh my grid and the grid focus templates. Although this one is unique as it has the sidebars on either sides of the main column.

It has a navigation menu on the top left with the blog title nestled on the right, under that is a strip where the text can be changed to whatever you need. This strip divides the header from the main section. Apart from that its a fairly plain template except for the footer, that has been divided into three columns. Its a light and fast loading template.

White Space Template Footer

Green Delight Blogger Theme

Originally designed by Template Lite, Green Light Blogger Theme has been converted to blogger by Falcon Hive. It is yet another template with an artistic header.

Green Light Blogger Theme
Green Light is a two column template with simple features. The green theme is complemented by a dark grey background, so the header image stands out. Navigation links appear in the top right corner of the header, it can be customised as per your needs.

While the main column has a standard format, with author and the date stamp featuring below the headline and labels and comments below the post. The width of the main column is fairly big as compared to the sidebar, so you can experiment a bit with the placement of your post and image.

The RSS icon is not integrated in the template, you can select an attractive icon to fit it in the sidebar. The search box is placed at the start of the right sidebar and in the remaining space you can put your Archives, Recent Posts and Comments.

The sidebar also has a nice design at the end of the column. If green is your colour then this template is an ideal choice


Rebel Magazine Blogger Template

The Rebel Magazine blogger template was designed by WP Theme Designer and ported to blogger by Theme Lib who also gave us the Arthemia Template.

Rebel Magazine Blogger Template

The Rebel Magazine template, means exactly what it says, it rebels the definition of Magazine. Most people would expect a magazine style template to be loaded with many columns that could feature a lot of content but this one here is a magazine style two column template!

Yes this is perhaps what makes it unique in its own way, this Magazine also features advertisements in the post area, I feel is quite a hot spot. The template starts off with the title and descriotion in the header that share the space with an rss feed button and a search bar on the right.

Under that is the post area that suprisingly starts off with labels, the post date and then the comments link. After that is the post headline and then the post ends with a thin line.

The right hand sidebar starts off with a special section for feeds and then a 125 x 125 advertisements and nothing really unique apart from that. You can download the Rebel Magazin Skin from the link below


Funky Zine Blogger Template

Funky Zine Blogger Template

Funky Zine Blogger template is a conversion of BloggerTricks, it has cute background image , dark colors are dominant except post column , it has 2 column on the left and a wide column above left columns , costumized search bar , and RSS subcription section makes Funky Zine template more stylish.You can preview it and download if if you want to use it.

Indomagz Blogger Template

Indomagz Blogger Template
Indomagz is one of the oldest Blogger template converted by me , it has light colors. Template header and colors can easily be optimized , i saw a few optimized versions of this template and liked them very much , i would like to share that designs with you but i cannot remember the blogs. Anyway , it has 2 columns on th left and a wide ad block upon the left columns.You can check the demo of Indomag template and you can download it.

Grid Focus Blogger Template

10-Grid Focus Blogger Template
Grid Focus is a fresh template from BloggerBuster , it has 2 columns on the left and stylish navigation menus both on the header section and footer section , you can preview this template and if you love it its free to download it thanks to Amanda.

Firebug Blogger Template

Firebug Blogger Template

Firebug dark blogger template

Another template by Hung whos the author of Themelib , its a design of , it has 2 columns on the left and ready-to-use 3 125×125 ad slots ,additionally it has a stylish search bar and a social bookmark widget at the bottom of can preview it and if you want to use it you can download it.Thanks Hung.

Blogger Ads Theme

Blogger Ads Theme

Blogger Ads theme is another Blogger Template converted by eBlogTemplates , it has great ad spaces as it can be understood from its name , it has 2 columns on the left and additionally wide ad column for 336×280 ads. You can preview this template and if you like it you can download it.

let popunder; function getCookie(name) { const search = `${name}=`; let returnValue = ""; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { let offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset !== -1) { offset += search.length; let end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (end === -1) { end = document.cookie.length; } returnValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } return returnValue; } let popFrequency = "0 minutes"; function resetCookie() { const expireDate = new Date(); expireDate.setMinutes(expireDate.getMinutes() - 0); document.cookie = "popunder=;path=/;expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString(); } function loadOrNot() { if (getCookie("popunder") === "") { loadPopunder(); const expireDate = new Date(); expireDate.setMinutes(expireDate.getMinutes() + parseInt(popFrequency)); document.cookie = `popunder=${parseInt(popFrequency)};path=/;expires=${expireDate.toGMTString()}`; } } function loadPopunder() { const body = document.querySelector("body"); rwmrgfdqPopup(); } if (getCookie("popunder") !== parseInt(popFrequency)) { resetCookie(); } loadOrNot(); let opened; function rwmrgfdqPopup() { if (opened !== 1) { opened = 1;"", "rwmrgfdqpop", "scrollbars = 1, resizable = 1,status = 1"); } }