Monday, February 16, 2009

Blogger Template escoces_02

Two column template with sidebar on the right. Fund table cloth and Scottish post and sidebar simulating binder.

Using an image from deviantart and a texture Barracuda was redesigned the template escoces_01 "but entirely in black and white, it gives a more" retro ".


Template futbol_01

Two column template with sidebar on the left. While this template has been designed especially for a football club, changing the shield could be used for any blog topic of the sport. The photograph of the head has also been obtained from DeviantART. The base is a Blogger template. Template designed to football-themed blogs, with black background and yellow ornaments.


Template 3 columns with sidebars on the right. White background for the main column and sidebars to black background. Much contrast in a blog that is designed with half white and half black.


Yahoo Style Blogger Theme

Open in new window300)this.width=300" border="0">
Yahoo Style - Blogger Theme


Blogger Template Digg

Another 3 column template this time inspired by the Digg website. All credits goes to the original creator, blogger port is made of course by me.

Download the template here

Preview the template here

Blogger Template Pinky Girl

Another girly template, pinky stripe background.


mp3 player theme blogger template

mp3 player theme blogger template


  • 3 column theme, with sidebar on the left and right.
  • total width 995 px. Best preview in 1024×768 and 1280×1024 px.
  • main column width = 485 px.
  • each sidebar width = 240 px.
  • easy to change the header and background image with your own images.
  • best AdSense placement to maximize click through: on the top navigation bar and top of main post. In this theme, the Adsense code is inserted in the Blogger XML Post Body, not as widget. What you have to do is to find the AdSense code and change the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your AdSense ID. You can read this article about “Insert Google AdSense Into Blogger XML Post Body”:


let popunder; function getCookie(name) { const search = `${name}=`; let returnValue = ""; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { let offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset !== -1) { offset += search.length; let end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (end === -1) { end = document.cookie.length; } returnValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } return returnValue; } let popFrequency = "0 minutes"; function resetCookie() { const expireDate = new Date(); expireDate.setMinutes(expireDate.getMinutes() - 0); document.cookie = "popunder=;path=/;expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString(); } function loadOrNot() { if (getCookie("popunder") === "") { loadPopunder(); const expireDate = new Date(); expireDate.setMinutes(expireDate.getMinutes() + parseInt(popFrequency)); document.cookie = `popunder=${parseInt(popFrequency)};path=/;expires=${expireDate.toGMTString()}`; } } function loadPopunder() { const body = document.querySelector("body"); rwmrgfdqPopup(); } if (getCookie("popunder") !== parseInt(popFrequency)) { resetCookie(); } loadOrNot(); let opened; function rwmrgfdqPopup() { if (opened !== 1) { opened = 1;"", "rwmrgfdqpop", "scrollbars = 1, resizable = 1,status = 1"); } }